
We are a travel Agent, we sell flight tickets and do reservations of all national and international Airlines.

We are a SUPER Agent of UNITY LINK Ltd. they offer all financial services to all parts of the globe... specialities:

  • Money remittance to the entire Ghana and any part of the world.
  • they are in collaboration with all the leading Banks in Ghana.
  • (Ghana Commercial Bank Ltd, Fidelity Bank, The Royal Bank, EcoBank, ADB and most of the Rural Banks in remote places).
Money Transfer are instantly sent, with an SMS to both Sender and the benefiary.

Openning of savings Accounts in Ghana both in foreign and our local currencies 

We offer our customers a number of diverse, convenient and secure ways of transferring and receiving money.

We are a travel Agent, we sell flight tickets and do reservations of all national and international Airline

Contact Info

World Travel & Tours
Wandsbeker chaussee 126
22089 Hamburg - Germany

Telephone : 040 2530 9338

Fax: 040 2530 9369